Max Bögl - Mobility of tomorrow

The metropolitan areas of the future are facing great challenges. The solution requires innovative, sustainable and flexible mobility concepts. The Transport System Bögl can be integrated into new or existing transport infrastructures in an extremely flexible and almost silent manner. To do so we use maglev technology to ensure a reliable and low-emission form of transportation. As turnkey partners, we help city planners and mobility managers meet the challenges they face in passenger transport. Together we can create cost-effective public transport routes that will significantly shape the mobility of tomorrow.

Our vision

Thanks to our own future-oriented innovations for the core issues of our time, urbanization, mobility, renewable energies and infrastructure, we at the Max Bögl Group are already implementing solutions for the megatrends of our globalized world. Based on longstanding experience and expertise in high-precision precast concrete construction, we have been able to establish ourselves as an important leader in the development of innovative products, technologies and construction methods.

Progress in numbers


in fully automatic operation

Shuttle drives at the test track


Demonstration track in China

Max Bögl group

With around 6,500 highly qualified employees at more than 35 locations worldwide and an annual turnover of over 1.7 billion euros, the Max Bögl Group is one of the largest companies in the German construction industry. Ever since its founding in 1929, the company has been known for its innovative strength in research and technology – from tailor-made custom solutions to complete and sustainable construction engineering solutions.


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Please get in touch with our expert contact persons.


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