
\n\t\t– Moving megacities\n\t<\/h1>\n\t

Cities are growing and urbanization is progressing steadily throughout the world. More than 5.6 billion people will be living in metropolitan areas and their surroundings by 2035. Such growth brings with it higher building density and more traffic, noise and air pollution. Smart public transport concepts are therefore needed to meet the challenges of big cities and link neighborhoods together efficiently and with almost zero noise. With the Transport System B\u00f6gl, we have developed a public transport system that is ready for the future. Thanks to maglev technology, this system is quiet, flexible and reliable while also saving space and lowering emissions.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t\"Kaestchen_TSB-mute_Fahrzeug1_1200x900_EN\"\n

\n\t\tMobility of tomorrow\n\t<\/h2>\n\t

And with variable routing, the Transport System B\u00f6gl can be integrated into any urban landscape or existing traffic infrastructure. From planning and the manufacturing of tracks and vehicles to on-site assembly and system operation, we deliver an efficient turnkey system that redefines the future of mobility.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\t\"Megatrend-Urbanisierung_Weltweiter-Trend_RGB-01_EN\"\n\t

Due to increasing building density, city centers, suburbs, exhibition grounds, industrial areas and airports are growing closer together. The consequence: More people want to travel reliably and flexibly in less space. There is an enormous traffic density on the roads. Existing bus and tram systems are already failing to meet frequency and capacity needs in many places.<\/p>\n\t

The Transport System B\u00f6gl relies on advanced maglev technology. Magnets are installed in the running gear and keep the vehicle on a steel rail mounted on the track using\u00a0 electromagnetic forces. For locomotion, a linear motor is built into the running gear that can accelerate the Transport System B\u00f6gl up to 150 km\/h. A major advantage of maglev technology is the nearly silent propulsion and high reliability regardless of weather conditions. The running gear of the Transport System B\u00f6gl lies protected in the track, which means snow or ice, for example, does not impair movement.<\/p>\n\t\t\t\"\"\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t
