Track - Smart integration into urban landscape
Transport systems of the future can be seamlessly integrated into existing mobility structures. Large cities have been built with multi-lane roads aboveground and a slew of supply lines and subway tunnels underground. This presents a challenge for urban infrastructure. The track of the Transport System Bögl is specifically designed for this purpose and is thus capable of seamlessly fitting into the urban landscape of major cities.
Advantages of the track
- Industrial production of fully-equipped standard segments
- Quick assembly of industrially manufactured track profiles
- Narrow primary support structure (H 1.2 m / L 23.5 m) for integration into cities and urban areas
- Flexible use due to various routing options – elevated, at ground level or in tunnels
- Visually appealing track route for urban use without overhead lines
- Short construction times; less annoyance for local residents
- Optimum solution for distances ranging between one kilometer and over 50 kilometers
Variable routing

Rethinking public transport: Magnetic levitation technology
All from a single source
The Transport System Bögl is an economical and turnkey overall solution for urban mobility. With Max Bögl you get everything from a single source: from the production of the vehicle and the track, to the planning and structural execution of the project, to their own operations control technology. Find out more.

Experience and competence
As a construction, technology and service company, the Max Bögl group can look back on over 90 years of company history. Experience that stands for well thought-out innovations as well as stability and safety, especially in the field of future-oriented technologies.